Why You Should Eat Healthy Snacks

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Snacking is one of the best ways to stay energized between meals whether you want to lose or gain weight. Not only does having a snack once in a while provide some much needed calories and nutrients but it can also help to keep your blood sugar steady and keep you from overeating when its actually meal time.

Snacking will help you to stay focused at work because your blood sugar is not low and give you enough energy to work out when you need to.

The question however is, what kind of a snack should you be having?

Difference between Healthy Snack and Unhealthy Snacks

When most people think about snacks, they imagine chips, biscuits, pie and juice pops. Unfortunately, these are unhealthy snacks that can have more disadvantages to your body than benefits.

Healthy snacks should be small bites that are packed with proteins and fiber to keep you full until the next meal without messing up with your body. Some of the best healthy snacks include seeds, nuts, fruits, oatmeal, vegetables and crackers.

Why Eat Healthy Snacks?

1. To avoid a burnout

According to EVERYDAY HEALTH, unhealthy snacks are like bad fuel that burns hot and flames out in minutes. On the other hand, healthy snacks are like good fuel that burns slowly and keeps working for a long time.

Snacks loaded with proteins and fiber keep you feeling energetic and full while junk food and soda will give you an instant high and then you burn out after an hour.

2. To prevent bad calories

Unless you are trying to gain weight overnight, you should never entertain bad calories in your body. Having too much sugar, bad fat and salt will only make your blood pressure go up and mess with your heart.

If you want to maintain your weight and have a healthy heart, it’s important to snack on the good stuff without all that fat and processed sugar.

3. To get nutrients

Healthy snacks will give you up to 24% of the required nutrients in a day. If your snacks include fruits, vegetables and nuts, you can get a good percentage of protein and vitamins before you even have your main meals.

Some healthy snacks like seeds also contain zinc and magnesium which is very good for your body. You can’t get these same nutrients if all you have between meals is biscuits and soda pops.

4. To protect your teeth

It goes without saying that all that sugar will be detrimental to your teeth. More than that, your teeth require something hard to chew on s they can be strong.

Fruits like apples and pears are perfect snacks that will provide sugar, vitamins and some exercise for your teeth. You can also have some non-fat yogurt instead of soda pops because of all the nutrients especially calcium.

Snacking is highly beneficial if used the right way. It can either make you fat or help you lose weight. It can also enhance your health or completely mess up your heart.

The secret is always choosing healthy snacks that can fill you up, give you nutrients and definitely keep your blood sugar normal.

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Hey there, fellow enthusiasts of personal growth!

I'm absolutely hooked on the world of personal development, and let me tell you, it's been quite a journey. Picture this: cozying up with some wisdom from the greats like Brian Tracy, Marie Forleo, Les Brown, Mallory Ervin, Jim Rohn, Rachel & Dave Hollis, Zig Ziglar, Norman Vincent Peale, Stephen Covey, Robert Kiyosaki, and of course, the one and only Tony Robbins! These folks have been my go-to guides in understanding the whole rollercoaster of the human experience and figuring out how to ride it like a pro.

What I love even more is sharing these fantastic ideas and soaking in the positivity. So, if you've got some golden nuggets of wisdom, spill the beans in the comments! Let's create a space where we can all learn, grow, and build habits that make our lives sparkle.

Here's to your journey – may it be filled with habits that turn you into the best version of yourself! Keep shining! 😊 - RJ

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