Every New Year, millions of people set out to write down their new year resolutions. The one thing that never lacks from this list is exercise and staying healthy after indulging in all that holiday food that left you fat.
Unfortunately, realizing those resolutions is always easier said than done as only 8% actually get to them. So, how do you actually get moving to start an exercise regimen to stay fit?
Here are a few tips:
1. Schedule Fitness like a Meeting
The truth is, most people are too busy for their own good and no one can blame them. If you want to stick to your workout plan, you have to schedule it somewhere in the day like a business meeting that you can’t miss. Make a point of honoring that meeting because you would never cancel or miss a business meeting.
2. Set a goal
The importance of setting goals in life cannot be overemphasized. The goals you set for working out should be written down and posted on something you can see every time. For example, you can sign up for a 5K or mountain climbing which will force you to train because you don’t want to mess up.
3. Start slowly
Imagining that you need to get out of bed and run 5 kilometers can be intimidating for anyone. In fact most people quit before they even begin because of overexerting themselves and feeling like failures.
The best thing you can do is to start with a ten minute walk and add 5 minutes every day. After a week, turn the walk into a jog and eventually you will be running.
4. Get some good company
Nothing is more motivating like a friend who can keep you on your toes. A workout buddy will not only motivate you but also keep you accountable. It is very hard to miss your gym session knowing your friend is there waiting. Better yet, get a few friends you can compete with every day.
5. Be flexible
Nobody said that you have to wake up before dawn to workout. Just because many people do that doesn’t mean it will work for you. Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, be flexible and do what works for you. If you are not a morning person, its best to work out at night when you feel more alive or during lunch time.
6. Make it fun
One of the reasons why people hate working out is because jogging and cycling can be so boring. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring at all. If running and going to the gym are not your cup of tea, you can look for a dance class, join yoga or become the newest member of that volleyball club down the street. Whatever sport will make your heart happy and your body healthy is what you should do to stay motivated.
The secret to staying fit is to just get moving everyday even if you don’t feel like it sometimes. However, if you are doing something fun and you have friends to drag you out of the house, you will be able to stay motivated throughout and have a healthy life.

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